Call for Proposals

The Call for Proposals (CFP) is currently open and closes January 31st.

We are interested in all topics that have to do with SciML, including but not limited to topics such as:

The most important consideration is whether the topic would be interesting to the SciML Open Source Software community.

Talks are 20 minutes long, including 5 minutes allocated for questions from the audience.

Proposal Advice

If you have doubts about becoming a speaker, check out the website We are all awesome.

We look forward to your proposals and to seeing you at SciMLCon 2022!

Submission process

We are using an anonymized submissions process, to avoid selection bias related to the speaker. While enforcing double blind is impossible since most submissions should link to public open source code, all efforts are made to ensure impartial review of submissions. The CFP is currently live and you can find more details on the review proccess, ways to create a strong proposal, and more there!

Recordings and materials

We plan to video record all talks and will make them available after the conference. We do this for those who cannot attend. However, if you are uncomfortable with having your talk recorded, please contact scimlcon@julialang.org; being recorded is not a requirement to attend SciMLCon or to give a presentation. Finally, we also ask you to make your materials and recording available under a Creative Commons (default: no commercial reuse) or other open source license.