
Time (EDT)PlanSpeakerChair
9:00AM - 9:30AMIntroduction and State of SciMLChris Rackauckas
9:30AM - 9:50AMSciML for Climate: Integrating ClimaCore.jl with OrdinaryDiffEqDennis YatuninChris
9:50AM - 10:10AMUnderstanding heterogeneous health outcomes with SciML and PumasNiklas KorsboChris
10:10AM - 10:30AMNeural ODEs in HydrologyMarvin HögeChris
10:30AM - 10:50AMComputing derivatives for chaotic and hybrid systemsFrank SchaferChris
10:50AM - 11:00AMBreak
11:00AM - 11:40AMKeynote - Andreas RößlerAndreas RößlerSam
11:40AM - 12:00PMInternals of ModelingToolkitYingbo MaSam
12:00PM - 12:20PMBreak
12:20PM - 12:40PMSymbolic arrays: Past, Present and FutureShashi GowdaSam
12:40PM - 1:00PMStructural Identifiability Tools in Julia: A TutorialIlia IlmerSam
1:00PM - 1:20PMParallel Extrapolation Methods for Differential EquationsUtkarshSam
1:20PM - 1:30PMBreak
1:30PM - 1:50PMSponsor TalkJulia ComputingRanjan
1:50PM - 2:10PMLearning measured bifurcation diagrams with UDEsSandor BeregiRanjan
2:10PM - 2:30PMUniversal Differential Equations with Gaussian ProcessesSteffen RidderbuschRanjan
2:30PM - 2:50PMRole of Universal Differential Equations in EpidemiologyRaj DandekarRanjan
2:50PM - 3:00PMBreak
3:00PM - 3:40PMInvited Talk 2: Physics-enhanced deep surrogates (PEDS) trained end-to-endRaphael Pestourie
3:40PM - 4:00PMFractional Order Computing and Modeling with JuliaQingyu Qu
4:00PM - 4:20PMModeling Plasma Physics with NeuralPDE.jlGabriel Birnbaum
4:20PM - 4:40PMMixing Implicit and Explicit Deep Learning with Skip DEQsAvik Pal
4:40PM - 5:00PMSpeeding up x = A
b with RandomizedPreconditioners.jl
Theo Diamandis, Zach Frangella
5:00PM - 5:20PMBifurcation based machine learning of dynamical systemsKyoung Hyun Lee
5:20PM - 6:00PMFarewell -> Open DiscussionChris Rackauckas

Talks are 20 minutes long, including 5 minutes allocated for questions from the audience.